Category Archives: Racine County

The Racine County Courthouse on May 22, 2016

Racine Photos

These photos were taken in Racine on Sunday May 22, 2016. This was the first stop on my day trip to visit Racine and Kenosha counties. I had never been in Racine before, so I didn’t really know what to expect. The courthouse was built in 1931 and stands apart from the surrounding buildings because it is fairly tall and there is really nothing else on the block. Newer law enforcement buildings have been constructed across the street, so there have been no unsightly additions to the courthouse building. Immediately to the north, there is a grassy area on the courthouse block. With the addition of a few trees and some park benches this would be a nice little park.

There is a vacant block a little farther to the north. Obviously a building has been demolished, but there is no sign of any new construction so far. Main Street is just a block closer to the lake and really looks nice. After visiting the courthouse I drove to Pershing Park on the lakeshore for a few more photos.