Category Archives: Rock County

The Rock County courthouse on November 29, 2015

Janesville Photos

I visited Janesville on Sunday November 29, 2015. It was a beautiful, sunny Sunday morning. I had never been in downtown Janesville before, at least as far as I can remember, so it was interesting to see the city. I parked on South Main Street and then walked through the park for some pictures of the front of the courthouse. I then walked on the north side of the building to the top of Courthouse Hill. There is a nice park here and many older homes. Then I headed down the south side of the building back to Main Street. From here I walked a few blocks to a bridge over the Rock River for some more pictures. Then it was back to the car (my old 2002 Toyota Corolla on its last courthouse visit) for the drive home.

Rock County Links

Here are my links for Rock County: