Category Archives: Lafayette County

The Lafayette County courthouse on Wednesday August 12, 2015

Darlington Photos

We visited Darlington on Wednesday August 12th, 2015 to see the courthouse and also to have lunch. The courthouse is in good shape and is located on a small hill. It’s a magnificent setting and I think I got some good pictures of it. Across the street is the Darlington municipal building. We stopped for lunch in downtown Darlington, a few blocks form the courthouse and not too far from the Pecatonica River. We ate at the Towne House restaurant and had a great lunch.


At the First Capitol near Belmont

First Capitol Photos

We visited First Capitol State Park near Belmont on Wednesday August 12th 2015 on our way from Darlington to Lancaster. It was a beautiful day and we were the only tourists on the site of the restored buildings that were the first Wisconsin Territorial Capitol. Honestly, there’s not all that much to see here, but it is kind of interesting. I remember visiting here when I was about 10 years old. Not much has changed, except now there are additional historical markers for with Wisconsin’s 150th anniversary as a state.